Aerandul is as ancient as the world itself. One of the first kaldorei upon Azeroth, she has seen the world shape itself to how it is today. With a sharp wit, and a wisdom far beyond that of many, she can talk herself out of many conversations. She is not arrogant or prude, however, and it is rare to find someone as compassionate as she in this age. Hailing from Suramar, a place she does not speak of any more, she has deep purple skin, and even
darker Violet hair, that runs half way down her back. Her glowing eyes hide the sadness and pain she has endured through her existence, but her smile shows that there remains hope.

The Beginning
Aerandul, like many other Kaldorei, found herself waking up in Azeroth. Throughout her childhood, she made many contacts, both good and bad. Among thse acknowledgements, she can count Tyrande, Malfurion, and Illidan, to name a few, knowing little of the great destinies that awaited them.

Unlike many of her friends, however, Aerandul preferred to read, and walk. She learnt all she could about the world as it was, and after great lengths of time, became close to nature, understanding it's workings, and it's reasons.

Love Eternal
Aerandul's life changed for the better, a few hundred years before the War of the Ancients. She found a beautiful warrior, whom, rather quickly, she fell deeply in love with. Aerandul was overjoyed, and would never be seen without a smile, helpful and charming, she worked hard doing any job people would ask of her. However, Aerandul and Sanlithien never married, as both were very busy doing their everyday tasks. After all, they thought they had all the time in the world.

Times of change
Aerandul was witness to the events that lead to the Legion's first invasion, and it's unfortunate effects. She wept greatly as the world was sundered in two, feeling the pain of the earth itself almost. However, she soon discovered she was powerless to help, and retreated to Hyjal with the rest of the elves.
She left with a heavy heart, however. While running through the streets, ushering the children and injured out of thecity of Suramar, and well away from the well of eternity, she could only watch as her love stood her ground, facing one of the larger felguard that had previously been moving on a small group of healers and injured. She fought hard, and almost had the demon, but more soon came to it's aid, and Sanlithien was ripped apart before her eyes.

Vowing avengeance on the foul demon scum, she prepared herself and set out to destroy the taint that had been brought into the world. Already knowing a few basic words of demonic thanks to Illidan's ramblings, she quickly picked up on the rest of the language, listening to other demons speak, and sometimes interrogating a few before showing them Elune's mercy, and used this to her advantage, luring demons into traps and so forth.

Nature's reply
Aerandul had spent countless years traversing the world, cutting down the remnants of demons she could find. Now quite fluent in their language, and her sorrow tempered slightly, she returned to Hyjal, into the arms of her brethren. She had watched malfurion and Cenarius over the years they had been with each other, and had picked up basic druidic magic, useful for sealing a few wounds she had recieved in her travels. When she returned, she sought Cenarius, and spent her time picking up more and more knowledge of nature. She revelled and excelled in her skill, but something held her back. One day, Cenarius stopped his regular lessons, and asked the scarred kaldorei what her worst memory was. Speaking of the aftermath of the demonic invasion, Cenarius seemed to think, if only briefly, and wove a powerful spell. Aerandul looked into the swirling mists, and saw her, Sanlithien, smiling back. Cenarius told Aerandul that, as a druid, and with the right knowledge, she would be able to access the dream, briefly, without needing to become part of it. That day is the day Aerandul found peace.

The Dream
Just over a milennia after the War of the ancients, the pact with the dragonflights was made, binding druids to the World Tree. Knowing her time would soon come, she trained her mind and body. Centuries passed, and then, around one and a half millenia after the pact was made, Aerandul found herself drawn towards the dream. Her resting area in the Moonglade barrow Dens was prepared, and she slept...

The Awakening
One day, however, her rest was disturbed, and she was violently returned to her physical form. She knew instantly something grave had happened, as there was no awakening ceremony taking place around her, and only something purely malevolent could tear anyone from the comfort of the dream. She reached
Mount Hyjal in time to see the Burning Legion's final assault, and quickly joined the fray. Many hours she stood alongside sentinels, archers, huntresses and heroes, slaying the demons, screaming battlecries in
Kaldorei, and taunts in the legion's fould black speech, but the might of Chaos was strong, and forced the kaldorei lines back, inches at a time. As all seemed lost, a great explosion ripped throughout the lines, and Aerandul turned to see Archimonde slain by the might of Nordrassil. The demons began
to fall back, and one by one they were slain by the might of the reinvigourated Alliance.

A Problem
There was, however, a side effect to this sudden awakening. Aerandul found herself less capable at her abilities, for an unexplained reason, now no more powerful than a fledgling druid, but retaining the painful memories of hardship, and the wisdom of countless milennia. She wishes to find reasoning for this, and seeks the guidance of any and all that can offer her wisdom. Until then, however, she must become what she once was, and prepare for a greater defence against the mounting threats of the Burning Legion, Horde, Scourge, and end the strife within her own druidic society.