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 [31-03] Faiths of the Alliance
Posted: Mar 17 2008, 12:59 AM

Guardian of the Ancient Ways
Posts: 111
Class: Druid

Representatives of all major religions of the Alliance - the Holy Light, Elune, Druidism and Shamanism - will meet in Theramore to teach the general populace their tenets. Each religion will be given its time, and anyone who thinks to have knowledge on the matter is free to join in. How compatible are the various faiths of the Alliance? Do we all strive for the same thing or will even the seemingly insignificant differences be enough to fuel endless hostilities over matters of faith?
Date: 31 March 2008
Time: 18:00
Location: Theramore
Event details:

Anyone is free to join, but representatives of all four faiths listed must attend. Each religion will be given its "air time" which will be around 30 minutes. During that time the representatives of the faith in question will read a lecture describing their religion, which must be fully compatible with official lore.

If any warlocks attend, they should not wear, use or cast anything that would reveal them as warlocks. If they do, they will be immediately banned from the event.

OOC details:

/say and /yell are always IC. Brackets are not allowed. All other channels are OOC by default, but using them for IC communication is possible with an appropriate explanation.


The dark times will pass. We will persevere. Remember the Keeper.
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