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 A letter to the keeper.
Posted: Oct 25 2006, 02:29 PM

Worshipper of the Way
Posts: 66
Class: Warrior

A scratchily written letter, looking to be penned by one none too comfortable with a quil, or the written word in general:

To the keeper of the circle, and my trusted comrade in the war on Nefarious, Taiev.

No doubt you have been informed of my leaving of the Wardens of Eternity, and my post with them defending Astranaar. My will to defend our lands is still strong, but I wish to do so actively, not with the lack lustre efforts things had come to with them, due to various troubles, as well as wishing to consider more places than Ashenvale, targets to watch over, though that shall always be my home.

It was not a thought I came to easily, but one nececary to make. I must confess that during my period of thought, mention of the silvereye as a place to go, by a couple of members of your circle had indeed intruiged me. I have since given the idea much thought, as well as further questioning Erynia on the overall goals and principles of the Silvereye. After hearing her out I am far more certain of what I wish to do.

I write to you now, asking for the chance to show that my skills and principles, are up to the standard of the Silvereye's purpose. More importantly, to see if I am indeed right as a person, for your family. I wish to join you, and make use of myself, and hopefully, find a whole new group of people I can call friends and comrades. I wish to speak with you of such matters if you have the will and wish, and the time to do so.

Yours, an ever sincere and humble soldier, Laythe Steelleaf.


OOC: Will add his background story when I get the chance. -smiles-

"I spent alot on booze, cars, and women. The rest I squandered." George Best.
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Posted: Oct 25 2006, 06:33 PM

Keeper of the First Secrets
Posts: 3149
Class: Hunter

A reply, written in an elegant, though archaic, hand.

Brother Stealleaf,

We have fought in the deep places of the world, and distant from our beloved forests. I have long known of the activities of the Wardens, and though I have had my disagreements with some of them, I grant respect to those of our people who stand watch.

I invite you to seek me out, and let us speak of this matter in person.

I remain,

-a runic T-

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