Here you will find descriptions and screenshots from the various events and happenings organised by the Silvereye

Silvereye is formed.

Niviel Silvertree and Taiev Shadowglade meet in Dolanaar where, appalled by Warlocks and their supporters openly recruiting Kaldorei, they decide the time has come to from the Silvereye (reword slightly following the Anniversary)

The First are Called

The first members of the new Circle are called, amongst them are Karhard, Arydia, Charisa, Nishma and Gihlrael

Prisoner of the Horde

While travelling in Ashenvale, Taiev is kidnapped by agents of the Onyx Ascendancy. The Silvereye rallies and rescues her, before the Horde can take her to Crossroads. Dire clues linking Rainii of the Masquerade to this abduction attempt begin to surface.

Curse of the Warlock

Though Taiev warns her against it, Niviel Silvertree arranges a meeting in Stormwind with a warlock. The meeting goes wrong, and Niviel falls into a deathlike trance, and her Sisters carry her to Moonglade.

Desperate Measures

Drawing on forbidden things, Taiev performs a ritual that returns Niviel's wandering spirit to her body. Her sisters are appalled at her use of dark magicks, and the Circle begins to worry that Taiev is more dangerous than she appears.

Bitter Prices

The ritual cost Taiev dearly, and she retreated to the hidden lodges in Ashenvale to recover. What happened to Taiev there is uncertain, but she emerged colder, more focussed and somehow more than she had been before. And less.

Starshard, falling

Erynia Starshard joined the Circle seeking help in her search for druids lost in mysterious circumstances in the Plaguelands.

Feast of Elune

Following the Feast of Elune, the Circle gathered in judgement over Taiev, calling on her to forswear the practice of the Arcane. Before the Circle, Taiev gave up her practice of Enchantment and destroyed her stockpiles of dusts and shards.

The Halls of Caer Darrow

Arydia Mistmantle and Erynia Starshard brave the island of Caer Darrow to discover the fate of several lost druids. While there they encounter a virulent plague, and only just manage to survive it.

Plague of Dun Morogh

The Silvereye encoutered the Clans Dun Morogh for the first time, as a stalwart dwarf fell victim to the same plague as affected Arydia and Erynia. But before the Silvereye can go to the dwarves' aid, the plagued dwarf is kidnapped. Although the Masquerade and the Onyx Ascendancy attempt to prevent it, the Silvereye and the Clans Morogh manage to get the plagued dwarf to Darnassus, and heal him.

Alliance with the Clans Morogh

The Silvereye and the Clans Morogh form their alliance. Though neither would admit it, the Kaldorei and the Dwarves are forged together, and will stand in each other's defence. But the alliance will be a rocky one, plagued by anger, pride and outright bloodshed.


The newborn alliance is put to the test when the gnome Rattus is kidnapped by the Horde, in retaliation for an incursion into Mulgore. The Silvereye manages to negotiate his relief, but the dwarves are typically ingrateful.


Niviel Silvertree returns from a dreamquest in the Emerald Dream, announcing that she must return there in search of Shan'do Stormrage. She lays the burden of leadership of Taiev, who takes the mantle of Keeper reluctantly.

Darnassus Festival

Darnassus hosts a great festival for all the races of Azeroth. During this festival, the Silvereye is sought out by a pair of ragged travellers, on the run from a grim creature named Shaevar. The Silvereye takes the pair in, and although Curufinwe's path carries him away from the Silvereye, Acrona remains, facing the challenges of her heritage and becoming an integral part of the Silvereye.

Orchid Gambit

Laying a cunning trap to draw the Shaevar creature out, Erynia Starshard lures him into a trap at Steemwheedle port, where the Silvereye lies in wait for him. After a titanic battle, Shaevar strikes a pact with the Silvereye - he will no longer seek out Acrona, and the Silvereye will stay their hand against him.

Darkness Within

The Silvereye turns its eye to the island of Caer Darrow, intent on learning the truth of the plot Erynia seems to have uncovered.[this event chain is very large - split it out into the timeline as appropriate]


The Silvereye celebrate the festival of Lughnassad - the joy of life and living, and the glories of the world.

The Theramore Compact is created

An alliance that would gather forces to oppose the darkness in the deep places of the World. This alliance would never live up to its true vision, as it became caught up in politics and infighting.

The Grand Ball

Attending the Grand Ball in Stormwind, Taiev Shadowglade spoke of her hopes for the future and of the three imperatives of peace.

The Essence of War begins

A bitter series of escalating skirmishes with the Horde, lead by Taiev, with regrets each battle she must fight, as each engagement makes her hopes of peace more distant.

Shandalzare Unleashed

A grim spirit is brought forth, and lays its eye upon the Silvereye. Created by the meddling of Royal Society Apothecaries, Shandalzare is now determined to be free, and will coerce the Silvereye into achieving its freedom. Arydia Mistmantle shall be its currency in this endeavour.

Terror beneath the Sand Begins

Concerned at growing rumours, the Silvereye warden of the Hunt Darjana Stargazer begins a series of raids and expeditions to learn the face of the enemy the Silvereye must undoubtably face.


Terror behind the Gates

The openning of the Forbidden Gates in Silithus unleash the terrors behind them. The Silvereye fights had to hold the line, and reluctantly to realise the Dragonflights' plan to foil the Qiraji before they are prepared

The Eastvale Tournament

A moment of light and contact between the usually reclusive Silvereye is the Eastvale Tournament. A festival of fireworks and contests of skill in the human lands of Elwynn Forest.

Silvereye, Revealled

A year after the fateful meeting between Taiev and Niviel in the boughs of Teldrassil, the Silvereye set out across the face of Azeroth to learn the truth of the visions that have been visiting them in their sleep. In Moonglade the truth is revealled, the true history of the Silvereye, and its ancient device restored and revealled.

Shandalzare's End

The manipulating spirit is itself manipulated. In a dark series of ceremonies in the Blasted Lands Taiev tricks the demon into revealling itself, and then forces it to take physical form. The Silvereye slaughter the revealled spirit and with the aid of Lady Tabythia, a renowned student of the ways of the fel, Shandalzare's essence is cast through the Dark Portal.


Against Old Gods

The last truly united action of the Theramore Compact is an assault of Horde and Alliance against a delegation of Captains of the Old Gods. The Captains are killed, and the plans of the Twilight Hammer foiled, but the Theramore Compact is failing, even as its campaigns against the Firelord continue.


A desperate call for help, apparently from the very depths of the Emerald dream draw the Silvereye into battle with a new and potent foe.

The Great Hunt

A year on, the Silvereye gathers renowened hunters from across Azeroth in a chase and test of skill, cunning, and strength of character. The winners, lead by infamous human rogue Arthurion Greymantle prove masters of the first two and utterly deficient in the third.
